Jeff Nippard looks at optimal training techniques on different calf raise variations to maximize your muscular development while avoiding any injuries.
Check out more videos from Jeff Nippard on YouTube for more.
Jeff Nippard looks at optimal training techniques on different calf raise variations to maximize your muscular development while avoiding any injuries.
Check out more videos from Jeff Nippard on YouTube for more.
The bar for portraying Superman has always been set high—both in acting and aesthetics. From Christopher Reeve to Henry Cavill, every actor who dons the cape has had to embody the ideals of strength and …
Michael B. Jordan has been a household name for years, thanks to his standout roles in movies like Creed and Black Panther. If you’ve seen him as Adonis Creed or Killmonger, you know the guy …
If you’ve been in the gym for a while, you’ve probably seen it: lifters grinding through marathon workouts with endless sets, high volume, and the “no days off” mentality. For years, the bodybuilding community has …
Looking to grow your chest? Check out this chest workout guaranteed for massive results! 1. Dumbbell Bench Press 4×10 2. Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullover 3×12 3. Close Grip Bench 4×12 4. Butterfly 3×12 5. Incline Cable …
ATHLEAN-X shows us the perfect triceps workout consisting of exercises for the lateral head, medial head and long head of the tricep muscle! Check out more videos from ATHLEAN-X on YouTube for more.
ATHLEAN-X demonstrates the perfect shoulder workout consisting of exercises for your front delts, middle delts and rear delts. Check out more videos from ATHLEAN-X on YouTube for more.
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