Essential Amino Energy Review

Amino Energy Review

Building muscle and strength is not just about going to the gym and performing various types of exercise, nutrition and sleep play a huge role as well. More specifically, recovery is the most important thing you need to address if you’re serious about building muscle or strength.

Benefits of Essential Amino energy

Nutrition plays a key role in making sure that your muscle fibers, joints, tendons, soft tissue, and fascia are well recovered and ready to endure the next workout. In fact, the whole point of training is to break down muscle tissue in order to then recover and overcompensate by getting a little bit stronger and bigger every time you recover. This is exactly why you should consider Optimum Nutrition’s Essential Amino Energy because it pretty much gives you everything you need to recover and get bigger while you recover.

Essential Amino Energy (aka Essential AmiN.O. Energy) has the energy you need before and after training. It packs 100mg of caffeine which isn’t going to jack up your nervous system but it is going to give you that kick you need for the workout. It also has essential amino acids which are pretty much the building blocks of muscle tissue. This combination ensures that you preserve and maintain muscle, prevent catabolic phases, build muscle after the gym, and feel the energy from caffeine.

About the supplement

The great thing about AmiN.O is that it contains a lot of ingredients and it’s very convenient. Amino acids are not easy to find and you usually have to mix the powder with the water then find a bottle and this could result in a big mess of amino acid powder and lumps. Essential Amino Energy is great because it comes in a lot of forms. You can get it as a snack bar that tastes like healthy snickers except it won’t make you gain any fat.


Ingredients in any supplement need to be dosed perfectly and Essential Amino Energy is definitely well dosed. With only 10 calories per serving, Essential Amino Energy packs a lot of ingredients that can help with muscle tissue recovery including:

  • Micronized taurine
  • Micronized L-Glutamine
  • Micronized L-arginine
  • Micronized L-Leucine
  • Micronized citrulline
  • Micronized L-Isoleucine
  • Micronized l-Valine
  • Micronized L-Tyrosine
  • Micronized L-Histidine
  • Micronized L-Lysine
  • Micronized L-Lysine Hydrochloride
  • Micronized L-Phenylalanine
  • Micronized L-threonine
  • Micronized L-methionine
  • Beta-Alanine


There are many flavors for the Essential Amino Energy where you can choose from. The ones I would advise are fresh fruit flavors such as watermelon, lemon, and cherry. This is because Amino acids are better taken cold, plus, they’re always a great pick if it’s your first time taking amino as a supplement. Optimum nutrition always seeks to optimize the taste in a lot of its products so make sure that you get the latest version of the product that is on the website.


The first noticed effect after taking Essential Amino Energy is the slow release of energy. It does not feel as violent as a pre-workout which can have a ton of caffeine, it’s more a slow-release product for focus. Another great thing I noticed was that I slept better after taking Essential Amino Energy because the caffeine was just right.

As for the mid to long term effects, Essential Amino Energy continues to surprise me. The best thing about it is that I was getting less sore from my workouts. This was especially pleasant after leg days and back day. Sore legs can make you feel tired and sluggish, but with Essential Amino Energy, I was feeling great after the workout and I rarely get sore. The thing is, I continue to improve my workouts by shortening rest times, number of sets, amount of weight, and the frequency but I just don’t get sore because I recover better.

A more long term effect of Essential Amino Energy was muscle building. I never could have thought that Amino acids would improve muscle building, but it actually did. Thanks to a faster recovery, I was able to put on more weight on the bar, do more sets and more reps which ultimately made me a lot stronger. In addition to that, I do not feel the need to take breaks from the gym. I usually feel pretty beat up after 3 months of working out, but now after 4 months, I feel great and I can keep going with my progress.

Final thoughts

Essential Amino Energy is without a doubt a great supplement, it’s definitely worth your money and you should invest in stocks of it. You can find a lot of products like the one made by Optimum  Nutrition, but nothing really stands against Essential Amino Energy – The taste is great and refreshing, and it shows great results! I will definitely keep using it because it has become a staple in my bodybuilding regimen and I think you should too.

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About Sean Boone 75 Articles
Sean is currently studying Sports Science. He has contributed to a number of fitness blogs and is an active member at the forums. Focused on being shredded.