Do Pre-Workout Supplements Work? – The Ultimate Guide


Before hitting the gym, have you ever found yourself struggling, physically and mentally, to get ‘into the zone’ and motivate yourself to train? While we all have the occasional off day, some of us find ourselves stuck in physical and mental ruts that we simply cannot get out of. If you’re lacking physical and mental energy before training it might be time to invest in a quality pre-workout supplement. Pre-workout supplements are designed to help people find the energy and motivation needed to go and destroy their workouts every single time, but what exactly are they, how do they work, and do they actually work? Let’s attempt to find out, shall we?

What are pre-workout supplements? – As the name suggests, pre-workout supplements are supplements which have been designed to be consumed before you exercise and workout. The main thing to remember here is that each pre-workout formula is different, so no two are exactly the same. Some therefore contain different ingredients to others, and some omit certain ingredients. Primarily however, you will find that most formulas contain ingredients such as: caffeine, Nitric Oxide boosters, Taurine, Guarana, Creatine, beta-alanine, arginine, and citrulline. Some formulas however, are ‘stim-free’ and so they contain no stimulating ingredients such as caffeine. These supplements are designed to provide temporary boosts of physical and mental energy to help get you through each workout you perform. To get the best results from pre-workout supplements, experts recommend consuming them on an empty stomach, around 45 minutes before you plan on training.

What are the main effects?

While different formulas have different ingredients, the effects of each formula largely remain the same. These include, but are not limited to:

More energy – With potent stimulants like caffeine, taurine, and Guarana, to name but a few, when you consume a pre-workout supplement it won’t be long before your energy levels are through the roof. This is obviously very beneficial for working out, because the more energy you have, the harder you can work while training.

Psychological energy – Not only do the stimulating ingredients provide plenty of physical energy for your body, they also happen to provide psychological energy as well. The stimulants help your brain to focus so you can focus on your workout and get yourself motivated before hitting the gym. This is especially important when it comes to establishing a strong mind-muscle connection.

Vascularity – Many pre-workout supplements contain powerful Nitric Oxide-boosting ingredients. Nitric Oxide is a very powerful vasodilator within the body. This means that it causes the blood vessels to dilate and carry more blood. The increased volume of the vessels gives you a vascular, veiny look that many bodybuilders strive for, plus the increased blood flow also means more oxygen is carried to the cells, so the cells in the muscles have more energy and can therefore work even harder.

Potential cons

As beneficial as pre-workout supplements are, unfortunately they do have some potential drawbacks that users should be wary of. These include:

  • Insomnia
  • Caffeine sensitivity issues
  • Trouble relaxing
  • Digestive issues
  • High blood pressure

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About Sean Boone 75 Articles
Sean is currently studying Sports Science. He has contributed to a number of fitness blogs and is an active member at the forums. Focused on being shredded.