Amino Acids – Your Ultimate Guide

Amino Acids in Bodybuilding

If you consider yourself a bodybuilder, there’s a very good chance that you’ll have dabbled with a spot of amino acid supplementation in the past. Even if you haven’t, you’ve probably read about the many benefits of amino acids for bodybuilding purposes. If you’re serious about your physique and you want to make some serious gains, you may wish to consider the possibility of supplementation. Providing your diet’s on point and you’re training regularly and intensely, supplements could help give you that edge you’ve always wanted. Amino acids are a staple part of many a bodybuilder’s supplement stack, but what exactly are they and why are they so beneficial? Here’s a better look.

What are amino acids?

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein molecules. They are comprised of: Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Carbon. They also contain what is known as a variable side chain group. In food, amino acids basically make up any protein that the food contains. When we consume protein and digest it and break it down, it is broken down into individual amino acids once again. Each of these amino acids is then used by the body in a slightly different way, for countless physiological processes essential for everyday living. Protein in the body makes up everything from our skin to our muscles.

Essential and non-essential: What’s the difference?

The human body requires 20 individual amino acids in order for it to function on a daily basis as it should. Make no mistake about it, each of these 20 amino acids plays its own unique role in everyday healthy living. Despite needing 20 amino acids to function adequately, only 9 of these 20 amino acids are considered essential. Non-essential amino acids are ones which our bodies can naturally synthesize. Essential amino acids are ones which we cannot, so they must come from dietary sources instead. The 9 essential amino acids are as follows:

  • Lysine
  • Histidine
  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Valine
  • Methionine
  • Tryptophan
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine

Amino acids for bodybuilding

There are countless amino acids out there, yet despite this, only certain ones are favoured when it comes to bodybuilding. Here’s a brief overview of some of the more popular amino acids for getting jacked:

BCAAs – BCAAs, or Branch Chain Amino Acids, are commonly found in most bodybuilder’s supplement stacks. BCAAs consist of: Leucine, Valine, and Isoleucine. These amino acids help to speed up the recovery of muscle tissue during strenuous exercise. In particular, leucine is especially beneficial as this amino acid also enhances rates of protein synthesis in the body, which is when we generate new muscle tissue.

Glutamine – Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid. This does not mean that we can’t benefit from increasing the amount that we consume. For bodybuilders, glutamine is a key amino when it comes to energy whilst working out, as well as recovery. It also fights off lactic acid so you can train harder before you experience muscle fatigue and cramping.

Arginine – Arginine is another non-essential amino acid. It is best known for its ability to increase nitrogen retention in the body. We need nitrogen for protein synthesis, and so the more we have, the more muscle protein tissue we can naturally synthesise.

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About Nathan Goodrick 42 Articles
Nathan is a journalist and blogger for a number of major fitness websites. His main interest is the science of muscle building. He has been focused on bodybuilding for over 4 years.