Reaching Your Fitness Goals in 2023

fitness goals 2019

Reaching your fitness goals has never been easier than right now, in 2023. With everything from easily accessed healthy ready meals, activity monitors, fitbit’s, countless smart digital scales and more information on the web than there ever has been – it’s almost hard not to reach your fitness goals.

We truly live a privileged lifestyle and when it comes to reaching your fitness goals, it can be stupid not to take advantage of this information and technology to put it to our best interests.

Keeping track and noting progress

One of the key elements to any form of motivation and goal setting is the act of keeping track and noting your progress as you advance through a journey. This can be as simple as noting down what weight you achieved in your last session to beat it in the following – or can be a little more sophisticated in what is tracked.

Track the diet and the rest is simple

We bang on about this time and time again – but it’s for good reason – if you track your diet, the rest falls into place and you know exactly where you stand. Using apps like MyFitnessPal will be the best thing that you’ve ever done in your training career and you can expect to see the biggest increase in results once you’ve got the diet down.

Simply follow the sign up process or fill in your diet goals manually to get everything set up and you’ll be rolling in progress in no time.

Smartwatches and wristwear

With smartwatches and fitness wristwear taking prime position in must have fitness accessories, we had to have a look into them to see what all the fuss was about and honestly we liked what we saw. If you’re someone that likes the numbers and loves to track, you’ll love the capabilities that you’ll see with a fitness tracker.

From heart rate and step count to the estimated number of calories burned – it’s never been easier to see where you are on a day-to-day basis. Simply adjust your diet according to the little gadget on your wrist and watch the progress pile up. Connect and link up with your diet tracker for maximum fitness points making sure that you’re consuming exactly what you need every day.

Watch your weight

This one gets a bad rep with people exclaiming that it’s unhealthy to weigh yourself every day. These are also the same people that finish their Wednesday evening with a bottle of red wine and box of chocolates so I think I’ll carry on – but the point does have some merit.

When you’re weighing yourself you shouldn’t look for the day to day changes, but rather the week to week ones. So if you’ve dropped a lb in a day, don’t get too excited – it’s likely just water weight and the same is true if you’ve caught yourself putting a extra lb or two on overnight. Nobody puts weight on or loses that quickly – keep an eye on the prize and you’ll be just fine.

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About Nathan Goodrick 41 Articles
Nathan is a journalist and blogger for a number of major fitness websites. His main interest is the science of muscle building. He has been focused on bodybuilding for over 4 years.