How to Stay Motivated to Train

When you’re actually enjoying your training and are waking up energized, full of energy and enthusiasm to go and lift weights, run, stretch, or whatever else your workouts consist of, life is generally very good.

However. When you’re waking up in a morning and getting out of bed feeling sluggish, lethargic, and just generally lacking the motivation needed to go and workout, life, well, it kinda’ sucks.

We all experience dips in motivation from time to time, but what do you do if your dip in motivation is lasting a heck of a long time and is negatively impacting your progress in the gym?

Here’s a look at a few tried and tested tips to help you stay motivated to train.


Avoid distractions

Okay, how many times in the past have you got yourself ready to hit the gym, sat down for 5 minutes before you planned on leaving for the gym, reached for your phone, and found yourself scrolling through social media?

Before you know it, nearly an hour has past and all of a sudden any enthusiasm or energy that you may have had before working out has now been drained and all you want to do now is get changed out of your gym kit into your loungewear and spend the night in front of the TV.

One of the best ways of getting motivated to train is to remove any distractions that could potentially be, well, distracting you and draining your motivation.

Create a motivational playlist

Music when working out is one of the most important tools to have at your disposal, especially if it’s music that you enjoy.

Commercial gyms are all well and good, but the chances are that they won’t be playing the music that you like, which is why you should create a motivational playlist instead.

Take the time to create a playlist of all of your favourite songs that help to get you motivated and fired up to train, throw in your headphones or air pods, crank up the volume, and go destroy your workout.

Watch motivational training videos

Another very effective way of getting yourself motivated in order to work out is to watch motivational training videos before you hit the gym.

If you’re training in order to burn fat and lose weight, why not watch videos online based upon fat loss, fitness, and transformation stories?

If you train more like a bodybuilder, there are plenty of inspirational bodybuilding videos and training montages online for you to watch before you hit the gym.

Watching these videos will hopefully get your adrenaline flowing, and boost your motivational levels considerably so that you actually feel fired up and ready to train.

Remind yourself of your ‘why’

Finally, if you find that your levels of fitness motivation are really lacking, stop and take the time to remind yourself of your why.

By this, we mean that you should remind yourself why you are working out in the first place.

Do you want to get fitter? Do you want to look better? Are you looking to prolong your life, or do you just want to improve your quality of life?

Whatever your reasons for training are, whenever your motivation drops, just remind yourself why you workout in the first place.

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About Sean Boone 75 Articles
Sean is currently studying Sports Science. He has contributed to a number of fitness blogs and is an active member at the forums. Focused on being shredded.