How to Increase Your Bench Press: Tips and Tricks

increase bench press

The bench press is one of the most popular exercises in the gym, and for good reason – it’s a great way to build upper body strength and muscle mass. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips and exercises for increasing your bench press, based on my own experience of hitting new personal records.

When I first started lifting, I struggled to lift even the bar when bench pressing. However, with consistent training and dedication, I was able to increase my bench press! Here are some tips and exercises that helped me to achieve this.

Tips for Increasing Your Bench Press

  1. Perfect Your Form: Proper form is crucial for increasing your bench press. Make sure to keep your feet flat on the ground, your back flat against the bench, and your elbows tucked in at a 45-degree angle.
  2. Train Consistently: Consistency is key when it comes to increasing your bench press. Make sure to include bench press in your training plan at least once a week, and gradually increase the weight over time.
  3. Increase Your Volume: Increasing the volume of your bench press workouts can help to build strength and muscle mass. Try doing more sets and reps, or incorporate drop sets or supersets into your workout.
  4. Focus on Your Weak Points: If you’re struggling to increase your bench press, focus on your weak points. This might mean targeting your triceps, chest, or shoulders with specific exercises.

Exercises to Increase Your Bench Press

  1. Dumbbell Bench Press: Dumbbell bench press can help to improve your stability and activate more muscle fibers in your chest and arms. Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase over time.
  2. Incline Bench Press: Incline bench press targets your upper chest, which can help to improve your overall bench press strength. Make sure to keep your elbows tucked in and your back flat against the bench.
  3. Close-Grip Bench Press: Close-grip bench press targets your triceps, which can help to improve your lockout strength. Use a grip that is slightly narrower than shoulder-width and keep your elbows tucked in at a 45-degree angle.
  4. Floor Press: Floor press is a great way to improve your power off the chest. Lie on the ground and press the barbell up from a dead stop, focusing on explosive power.

Final Thoughts

Increasing your bench press takes time, dedication, and proper form. Make sure to train consistently, increase your volume, and focus on your weak points. Incorporate exercises like dumbbell bench press, incline bench press, close-grip bench press, and floor press to help improve your bench press strength.

Remember to stay patient and enjoy the process. With the right training and mindset, you can hit new personal records and achieve your goals.

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About Sean Boone 75 Articles
Sean is currently studying Sports Science. He has contributed to a number of fitness blogs and is an active member at the forums. Focused on being shredded.