How to Get Massive Arms – Easy Biceps Workout

Get Big Biceps

Everyone wants bigger arms! The following are four arm exercises that effectively work your biceps and triceps for maximum pump and growth. Watch the video below to see a demonstration of each exercise including proper form.


Grab the pull-up bar with the palms facing your torso and a grip closer than the shoulder width. As you breathe out, pull your torso up until your chin is around the level of the pull-up bar. The upper torso should remain stationary as it moves through space and only the arms should move. If you are new at this exercise and do not have the strength to perform it you could use a spotter or rubber band to hold your legs for help.

10 Reps, 3 Sets

Barbell Curls

Only the forearms should move. The palm of your hands should be facing forward and the elbows should be close to the torso. Benefits for this exercise include strong arms, big arms and arm development.

12 Reps, 4 Sets

E-Z Bar Biceps Curl

Make sure you are using proper form and you don’t use a weight that is so heavy you must cheat or swing to lift it. E-Z Bars have an undulating middle section which allows a semi-supinated grip. This allows the biceps to be effectively isolated while using a joint-friendly grip. When standing, retract your shoulder blades and raise your chest to keep your torso as upright as possible. Doing so prevents your upper back and shoulders hunching forwards. Stand in front of a mirror so you can watch your form and focus on keeping your chin up and your head and neck aligned.

12 Reps, 3 Sets

Lying Tricep Extensions

It’s very important that you keep your elbows in during the set. Your elbows will have a tendency to flare out as you move the weight, and you must keep them pointing forward.

10 Reps, 3 Sets

Watch our workout video below to see the exercises in action, featuring Uroš Ašković from Back To The Basics (BTTB).

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About Sean Boone 75 Articles
Sean is currently studying Sports Science. He has contributed to a number of fitness blogs and is an active member at the forums. Focused on being shredded.