Four Effective Ways of Boosting Testosterone

boost testosterone

If you’re hoping to increase your muscle mass, one of the best things to have on your side is genetics and biology. You see, when it comes to muscle mass, our hormones play essential roles in determining just how easy, or how difficult, we find it to gain weight in the form of muscle. Testosterone is arguably the most anabolic of all hormones, and generally speaking the more testosterone we have in our bodies, the more muscle we will build. The problem is that once we reach our late twenties/early thirties, the body’s natural testosterone production rates begin to slow down. Testosterone is also required for optimal health and well-being, which is why it’s important to ensure our bodies are producing enough. Although testosterone production decreases as we get older, there are a number of natural ways of boosting this impressive muscle-building hormone. Here’s a look at four effective ways of boosting testosterone production.

Increase healthy fat consumption

When it comes to physical fitness, people still to this day, avoid all forms of fat as they believe it is detrimental. Some fats are not only beneficial, but studies have found that they’re considered essential when it comes to health and well-being. If you’re looking to get big and jacked through an increase in testosterone, experts recommend that you increase your healthy fat consumption. Studies have found that diets primarily high in healthy fats such as mono and polyunsaturated fats, actually result in higher-than-average testosterone levels. What’s more, studies have also found that when men switch from diets higher in healthy fats, to diets lower in healthy fats, their natural testosterone levels actually drop fairly significantly. So, stop fearing the fat and start eating more foods like: salmon, avocado, whole eggs, olives, and coconut oil.

Increase zinc intake

Zinc is an important trace mineral that not only helps boost the immune system, but it has also been found to enhance testosterone production within the human body. Zinc deficiencies have been heavily linked to low testosterone levels, as zinc has been found to increase natural T productions. You’ve probably heard people talking about how oysters are an aphrodisiac, but do you know why people say that? It’s because oysters are packed full of zinc, which has been found to increase testosterone. Testosterone helps boost your sex-drive, so, well, you do the math. To help enhance testosterone productions in the body, be sure to consume zinc from dietary sources, as well as in supplement form.

Lift weights

Another very effective way of boosting testosterone production is to exercises, and specifically, to lift weights and increase lean muscle mass. Individuals that exercise regularly and have higher-than-average amounts of muscle mass generally have higher testosterone levels than average.

Consider a natural testosterone booster

Contrary to what some people may tell you, there are plenty of herbal supplements out there that really do work when it comes to boosting testosterone production. Arguably the most popular and effective remedy however, is tribulus terrestris. Tribulus Terrestris is a natural herb that has been found to enhance testosterone production. The increases in testosterone that it produces are nothing amazing, but even a slight increase can make a big difference, and some people do tend to respond better to these supps than others.

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About Sean Boone 75 Articles
Sean is currently studying Sports Science. He has contributed to a number of fitness blogs and is an active member at the forums. Focused on being shredded.