Building a Bigger Neck: Unleash the Beast within Your Traps!

build a huge neck workout

Are you tired of your t-shirts not fitting around your neck? Want to command respect and exude strength with a massive set of traps? If you’re ready to turn heads and build a neck that demands attention, you’ve come to the right place. Today we’ll dive into the best bodybuilding exercises to help you build a huge neck that complements your physique. So, let’s get that neck jacked and ready to roar!

  1. Barbell Shrugs: Barbell shrugs are the go-to exercise to target those trapezius muscles and build a beastly neck. Load up a barbell with a challenging weight and perform 4 sets of 10-12 reps. Focus on squeezing your traps at the top of the movement, and remember to keep your shoulders down to prevent unnecessary stress.
  2. Dumbbell Shrugs: Next, we’ll add some variety to our trap workout with dumbbell shrugs. Grab a pair of heavy dumbbells and perform 3 sets of 15-20 reps. Focus on the mind-muscle connection and keep your movements controlled for maximum effectiveness.
  3. Farmer’s Walk: To build functional strength and size in your neck and traps, incorporate farmer’s walks into your routine. Grab a pair of heavy dumbbells or kettlebells, walk with them for 30-40 yards, and repeat for 3-4 sets. Farmer’s walks will not only work your traps but also challenge your grip strength and core stability.
  4. Upright Rows: Upright rows are a classic shoulder exercise that also engage your traps. Grab a barbell or an EZ-bar, and perform 4 sets of 10-12 reps. Keep your elbows high, close to your body, and aim to lift the weight towards your chin. This exercise will give your traps a pump while also targeting your deltoids.
  5. Neck Bridges: Time to take your neck gains to the next level with neck bridges! Find a comfortable mat or use a neck harness, and perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps. Neck bridges are a highly effective bodyweight exercise that directly targets the muscles in your neck and upper traps.
  6. Face Pulls: Face pulls are a versatile exercise that targets your rear delts, rhomboids, and traps. Attach a rope handle to a cable machine, and perform 3 sets of 15-20 reps. Focus on pulling the rope towards your face, squeezing your shoulder blades together at the end of each rep.

Building a bigger neck and developing massive traps is not only about aesthetics but also about functional strength and overall posture. By incorporating these bodybuilding exercises into your routine, you’ll be on your way to having a neck that turns heads and showcases your hard work in the gym.

Remember to focus on proper form, control your movements, and gradually increase the weights as you progress. And don’t forget, just like any other muscle group, your neck muscles need rest and recovery to grow, so allow sufficient time for them to heal between workouts.

So, unleash the beast within your traps, and let that big neck speak volumes about your dedication to fitness and bodybuilding prowess! Get ready to rock those sleeveless shirts and command respect with your impressive neck gains!

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About Sean Boone 75 Articles
Sean is currently studying Sports Science. He has contributed to a number of fitness blogs and is an active member at the forums. Focused on being shredded.