Best Biceps Workout for Mass

bicep workout

Everybody wants big biceps – there’s definitely no hiding from that. But so many of us often struggle with creating a strong pair of arms and no matter how many curls we seem to do – our arms stay the same size.

We’ve had enough of the lack of progress and we’re here to help you with the best biceps workout for mass – as well as a couple of other tips for going up a shirt size.

Eat more to grow more

The first step into looking into why your arms aren’t growing as much as they should is your diet. Put simply, if you’re not eating enough – you won’t grow. You need to be in a calorie surplus if you’re looking to grow even the smallest amount of muscle – it’s why we engage in bulk and cut cycles.

If you’re struggling with figuring out how much food you should be consuming, it’s a good idea to calculate your required calorie intake via the Harris Benedict equation where you can determine your BMR. From here you can multiply this number by one of five numbers that describes you the most:

  • Sedentary (little to no exercise) = BMR x 1.2
  • Lightly active (light exercise/sport 1-3 days per week) = BMR x 1.375
  • Moderately active (moderate exercise/sport 3-5 days per week) = BMR x 1.55
  • Very active (hard exercise/sport 6-7 days per week) = BMR x 1.725
  • Hard exercise (Very hard exercise/sport 6-7 days per week + Physical job) = BMR x 1.9

Lift more to grow more

It’s a simple statement, but if you’re not progressing in the gym – the chances are that your physique isn’t getting anywhere either. If that sounds familiar, it might be time to up the weight just a little and keep up with a progressive overload – even with biceps.

Whether it’s an increase in weight, number of reps with the same weight or even an increase in sets. Doing today what you couldn’t yesterday is the single best way to progress with your body and build your biceps.

Our best bicep workout for mass

As much as we love training arms, we think it’s a little bit too much to dedicate a full day to the muscle group. Instead we’d recommend tagging our bicep workout onto the end of a back workout or pair it with a tricep and accessory day to make the most of your time in the gym.

Tri-set: 4 sets total

We’re big believers in volume when it comes to training the biceps and by starting with a huge tri-set – you’ll get a burn like you’ve never experienced before.

Exercise 1: Narrow grip EZ-curl – 8 reps

Our first exercise is the narrow grip EZ-curl bar bicep curl – super simple to complete, grab an EZ-curl bar and perform your usual bicep curl with a narrower grip than you’re used to. Don’t forget to pick a weight that you can handle for the whole tri-set.

Exercise 2: Wide grip EZ-curl – 12 reps

Second up, we’re keeping the same bar with the same weight, but we’re widening the grip to wider than you might usually be used to. Keeping your form strict, perform another 12 reps with the weight – this will start to take its toll on your arms.

Exercise 3: Plate hammer curls – 15 reps

You’re not quite finished yet – decide on a plate that you’re comfortable with (10kg/15kg) and hold it out directly in front of you. The idea here is to curl the plate similar to a hammer curl, really toasting the biceps and leaving you wanting no more.

You’re going to want to rest for 60 to 90 seconds before going through the tri-set again. Do this for a total for 4 sets, no rest between exercises and with strict form – no messing about.

Exercise 4: Standing alternating dumbbell curls – 4 sets, 12 reps

By now your arms are probably completely full of blood and you’ll have a bit of an insane pump on. Feels good doesn’t it? But that’s not all we’re doing for biceps, your last exercises is now standing alternating dumbbell curls.

Grab a pair of dumbbells you’re comfortable with and perform 12 strict reps on each arms, alternating each arm as you go. Super simple and super effective. Complete this movement for 4 sets with rest of 60 seconds between. Ensure strict form and perfect movement throughout and you’ll be noticing bigger biceps in a matter of weeks!

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About Nathan Goodrick 42 Articles
Nathan is a journalist and blogger for a number of major fitness websites. His main interest is the science of muscle building. He has been focused on bodybuilding for over 4 years.