5 Steps to Get Shredded For Summer

shred for summer

Everyone wants to get shredded for summer, but a lot of the time it’s not quite as easily done as it is said. How many times have you heard your buddy claim that they’re going to be ‘so shredded for summer’ only for them to remain in the exact same shape year round?

It’s not just that one mate that does this though – it’s so many of us and to help, we’ve compiled 5 steps to get shredded for summer:

1. Set a goal

Without a goal you can’t score. It’s super important to set a goal so that you’re not just aimlessly dieting with no end in sight. Goals help with motivation and determination, not to mention giving a final date or outcome so you can get back to making gains when you’re finished with your cut.

Whether it’s a body fat percentage, a date in mind or an occasion to get lean for – set a goal and work towards it for the best results.

2. Look at your diet

You may have heard it before and for good reason – abs are revealed in the kitchen, not in the gym. You can’t out-train a poor diet and you’d be mad to attempt it in the first place. It’s always good to keep your diet clean and ditch the junk food. You’ll feel better for it – your training and body will reflect that.

3. Look at your training

Training is the next big step and correct and effective training is important too to creating a stunning shredded physique. If you’re in it for the right reasons – you’ll find a great progressive program that focuses on hypertrophy.

Look for linear progression to build both strength and muscle together – that way you’re getting the best of both worlds and you’ll be more than happy with the results. Training 3-4 times a week is plenty if you’re looking for results, as long as your diet is in check that is.

4. Get active

Increasing the number of calories burned every single day is the aim of the game when it comes to weight loss and getting shredded. If you’re more active every day – your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) will increase – great news if you’re wanting to fight the flab.

Whether it’s walking or cycling to work instead of catching the bus or adding a little cardio in at the end of the workout – increasing your daily burned calories is a simple and efficient way to make progress on your cut.

5. Keep an eye on your progress

If you’re not keeping an eye on your progress then you might not even be able to know if you’re making any. Make sure to figure out a way to keep track, whether it’s by logging your weight every morning or by taking progress pictures as your diet continues. Keep a gym journal is another great way to make sure you’re progressing and with a solid program – you can always be sure you’re heading in the right direction.

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About Sean Boone 75 Articles
Sean is currently studying Sports Science. He has contributed to a number of fitness blogs and is an active member at the bodybuilding.com forums. Focused on being shredded.